Tuesday, March 14, 2023

My Blogs

https://sleiman-boushakra.blogspot.com | https://sleiman-boushakra-cv.blogspot.com | https://ernestpoems.blogspot.com | https://ernestgallery.blogspot.com | https://ernestmemories.blogspot.com | https://sleiman-BouShakra-Philanthropy.blogspot.com | https://theinternationalarbitrator.blogspot.com/| The present communications of blogs are protected in the light of International Law and Canadian Regulations.

Saturday, November 19, 2022


Sleiman Bou Shakra | Advisor, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators # 36178 | Canadian Author - QWF #53345 | LL.B., Graduate Diploma in International Law, University of Montreal| Email: sleiman_boushakra@hotmail.com P.O. Box 165, Westmount, Province of Quebec, H3Z 2T2, Canada | https://sleiman-boushakra.blogspot.com/ | Notice: On 02.12.2012 at 23:50, I survived a severe car accident. The time and place of the event provide that it was planned and intentional. I still recover from the brain diffuse injuries caused by what I describe "an attempted murder".

My Blogs

https://sleiman-boushakra.blogspot.com | https://sleiman-boushakra-cv.blogspot.com | https://ernestpoems.blogspot.com | https://ernest...